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Censors Board Discuss Modalities For Releasing Films

The National Film and Video Censors Board (NFVCB), and stakeholders in the Nigeria film industry on Thursday held a roundtable to review the draft report on National Policy on the Release of Films in Nigeria.

The roundtable was part of the activities of the Stakeholders Forum organised by the NFVCB from August 11 to 14, in Asaba, Delta State.

Officials of the board, filmmakers, investors and representatives of different guilds in Nollywood drawn from across the country were present at the event.

Representatives of the Association of Movie Producers (AMP),  Theatre Arts and Motion Pictures Practitioners Association of Nigeria (TAMPAN), Movie  Contents Owners, Producers and Distributors of Nigeria were also in attendance.

Others present at the roundtable included the Motion Picture Practitioners Association of Nigeria (MOPAN), and independent movie producers and actors.

Mr Adedayo Thomas, the Executive Director/CEO of NFVCB, in his address, recalled that the board had, in June 2019, inaugurated an eight-man committee to develop guidelines for the release of films for distribution and exhibition in Nigeria.

According to him, the committee’s terms of reference included developing a detailed and workable framework with a clear process for the release of classified and approved films/video works for distribution in line with the NFVCB mandate. He added that the committee was to also engage relevant stakeholders on the film release framework to get their input and buy-in.

“The committee members have painstakingly, and creditably well, invested their time and efforts in the preparation of this report. “The crux of our gathering here today is to also invest our time and energy in meticulously reviewing the report in order to have a robust and comprehensive final draft.

“The final draft will be included in the Bill for the Amendment of  the NFVCB Act which has passed first reading at the National Assembly.

“This leaves room for insertions and further amendments to still be made at this point,” he said. Thomas explained that the ultimate objective of the entire gamut was to reduce the sales of unclassified and unapproved films and piracy to the barest minimum.

He further explained that a strong film release and distribution framework would provide for auditable data and other relevant information on films distributed and exhibited in Nigeria. According to Thomas, as the Nigerian motion picture evolves, there is need for constant stakeholders interaction to seek common front in addressing issues affecting the industry.

He noted that the NFVCB, as regulator of the film and video industry, had built a cordial relationship with filmmakers and other relevant stakeholders under his watch through increased stakeholders meetings and media literacy programmes.

The NFVCB is a Federal Government body that regulates the films and video industry in Nigeria. The Board is empowered by law to classify all films and videos whether imported or produced locally. It is also the duty of the Board to register all films and video outlets across the country and to keep a register of such registered outlets.

The board also provides policy advisory support to the federal and state governments in conformance with global best practices.

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